Saturday, July 31, 2010

Compulsory Voting - My Opinion

I am against compulsory voting. I believe forcing a person to vote is an undemocratic infringement on liberty.

Issuing a penalty for failing to vote is intimidation and it does influence whether or not I vote. Although the Electoral Commissioner, under the Electoral Act, issues a penalty for failing to vote I believe the law is in contradiction with itself and issuing a penalty does constitute intimidation.

Under Section 189 of the Electoral Act 2004 it states, "A person must not, by violence or intimidation, influence or attempt to influence a person's election conduct at an election."
Under Section 187 "election conduct" in relation to a person is defined as "wether or not the person votes." defines "intimidation" as "to force into or deter from some action by inducing fear."
"fear" can be defined as a distressing emotion aroused by an impending threat, whether the threat is real or imagined.

Issuing a penalty for failing to vote carries the threat of a fine or even imprisonment. Issuing a penalty does induce fear.

Being forced to do something against your will is a restriction on your liberty.

All Law is Contract - go to for an understanding of what this statement means. The Electoral Commission uses fear to convince people to make the contract. No law applies to me unless I have personally accepted the contract.

Bureaucrats think they have the right to tell you what to do, but that doesn't mean that they actually have the right.

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